A study funded by Leicester University and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care East Midlands (CLARHC EM) in 2019 revealed that 10 minutes of walking every day was corelated to an increase in life expectancy by 3 years.
This study focused on patients with at least two conditions (asthma and breast cancer for example) and used self-reported physical activity level, as well as objective measures through activity tracker devices. It is the first study to investigate, with objective measures, physical activity related to life longevity of patients with multiple conditions.
Researchers came to the same conclusion using self-reported measures or tracker devices. Regular moderate physical activity (or 10 minutes of fast walking every day) was correlated with a three-year increase in life expectancy. Whilst 22 minutes of fast walking every day could increase it by five years.
This study underlines the non-necessity of practicing intense physical activity to get significant health benefits. Therefore, most of the people should be advised to practice regular moderate activities throughout the week. It could motivate a wider range of the population currently refrained by intense physical activity or those who having a medical condition which prevents this practice.
In 2019 as well, another study published by Prof. Thomas Yates and Dr. Francesco Zaccardi already correlated walking and life expectancy using data from the UK Biobank. In this study, a clear link between people walking faster on average and the increase in life expectancy was found.
Overall, these studies put forward the benefits of increasing moderate physical activity levels and suggest achievable changes at a large scale for improving life expectancy in patients with multiple health conditions. Especially in those suffering from high blood pressure, asthma, some cancers, depression or diabetes.